Sunday, April 4, 2010

Porch in Process

I had intended to share with you today the porch made over for spring.
Here she is dormant for wintertime. We hardly ever go out there during the winter.

My pot stands lined up waiting for their ferns.

As you can see in the back of this photo, the trees stay down over winter to reduce the number of leaves I lose from windy days.

Here's our sitting area. She's a plain Jane right now!

Well I did not get to make her up for Spring because I had a car accident on my way to the store for last minute Easter things on Saturday. No one was hurt, thank goodness, just my pride. I was the last one in a string of cars slamming on their brakes on the interstate and tagged the guy in front of me in the rear. After waiting 2 hours and 45 minutes for the police to arrive and prepare their report, I was so frazzled I just came home and sat on the sofa. It's on my second accident and I've been driving for 24 years so I guess that's pretty good, but still ya know it's frustrating.

I will make her up this week and share the photos next Monday. I hope you had a blessed holiday weekend! Be sure to visit happier stories over at Susan's fantastic blog Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. What a great porch! The white is perfect.

    Be sure to stop by AtticMag this week for a Giveaway!

  2. Jennifer, you are doing the right thing focusing on the fact that no one got hurt and this kind of thing doesn't happen to you often! I hope you had a great Easter and now we will all await your porch transformation for next week! It looks like a nice place to spend a summer evening! Linda

  3. I LOVE your porch!!! I want one so bad...nothing I love more than relaxing with a good book outside when the weather is nice. Thanks for visiting!

  4. What a great porch. I'm glad your accident wasn't more still really shakes you up, though.

  5. I'm glad you didn't get hurt in the car accident! It's always so nerve wracking even if it's a fender bender.

