Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm Back!

Well it's been since December since I've posted anything and some of you may have wondered where did I go?  Okay maybe nobody missed me, but I sure did miss you guys and writing and visiting blogs.  You see in the fall I decided it was time for me to go back to college and get my degree in Accounting.  My son was old enough to drive so that freed up alot more time for me.  Following the closing of my store I spent a lot of time reflecting what I wanted to do in Act II of my life (Act I being a Mom/Administrator/Shop Keeper).  I still want to open another shop, and I know I will some day, but I can't be preachy to my kids about the value of education if I'm not willing to complete my own!  My daughter is entering her third year of law school in August and my son is a senior in high school.  Exciting things are coming my way in the next few years as I graduate school and become an empty nester and the same time!
I will need lots of advise from you sage empty nester veterans on what you would do if you could redo your first years of empty nesting.  Please comment!
For now I'm in school full time in the evening and working full time during the daytime.  Along with my family duties this has kept me super busy.  I have set a mini goal for myself to try and post once a week following completion of my homework assignments.  Wish me luck!


  1. Congratulations on your new career. I do hope you open another shop. I enjoyed your pics and seeing what you stocked.

  2. Congratulations! I am just beginning the Empty Nest and am still looking to what I'll do - I think I'm leaning toward developing my interests - you're setting a marvelous example for your children! Well done!

  3. You are truly an inspiration. Sounds like a plan. Good for you.

  4. Welcome back! I know how times just gets away. You had priorities and those are far more important than blogging. Sometimes we all need a break. Congrats for you, regarding your own career goals and that of your children. Being an empty nester is quite fun. I clog (dancing)with a group of ladies. I have plenty of time to have luncheons with lady friends, shop, bake, decorate, read. Something to look forward to.

  5. Congratulations on going back to school. I was so glad to be finished with college that I can't imagine doing that again. You have a rough schedule but it will be worth it when you get your degree. Your family must be proud of you. ---------- Shannon
